
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. Top 10 Financial Planner accepts no responsibility with regard to any problems or financial advice as a result of using this website or any linked external websites. All care has been taken in the compilation of listings. However we cannot guarantee the quality of financial advice given by organisations or individuals listed on the website. We have not reviewed every financial planner in each capital city for listing and ranking purposes on the website. The minimum selection criteria for financial planners to list on the website is 10 years experience in the industry. Other qualifications that can impact rankings are listed on our home page. You should conduct your own due diligence before appointing a financial planner. 

Top 10 Financial Planner welcomes financial planners who meet website entry requirements to sponsor pages to increase their ranking. We may also receive payments from or be affiliated with other businesses advertised on the website. Top 10 Financial Planner reserves the right to make the final decision on which advisors are listed.

CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and are certification marks owned outside the U.S. by Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Financial Planning Association of Australia Limited is the marks licensing authority for the CFP Marks in Australia, through agreement with FPSB.